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Cool Peel® CO2 Laser Resurfacing in Orlando, FL

Are you interested in revealing healthier, smoother, and younger-looking skin without undergoing an invasive surgical procedure? CoolPeel® laser resurfacing treatments can improve your skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reverse sun damage, reduce pore size, and restore your confidence and self-esteem. Best of all, it doesn’t require a lengthy recovery period and is less invasive and risky than other cosmetic procedures. At 180medspa, we are passionate about helping our clients rediscover their best, most authentic selves with the help of safe, effective cosmetic and aesthetic services. Call us to find out if you’re a good candidate for CoolPeel® CO2 laser resurfacing in Orlando, FL.

CO2 Laser Resurfacing in Orlando, FL

What Is CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing?

CO2 laser skin resurfacing procedures use carbon dioxide lasers to remove thin layers of skin. Lasers allow our nurse practitioners to precisely remove damaged skin without damaging surrounding areas. We can use CO2 laser treatments to treat a variety of skin conditions that have not responded to other cosmetic treatment options.

Why Consider CO2 Laser Treatment?

CO2 lasers are a revolutionary treatment option that can restore and rejuvenate highly damaged skin without causing more damage or requiring an extensive recovery period or downtime. CO2 lasers have long been used to treat skin conditions in medical settings and are now used in cosmetic and aesthetic settings as an alternative to more invasive procedures and as a complementary treatment option for other skin rejuvenating treatments. You should consider CO2 laser treatments if you want an alternative to more invasive procedures or if other cosmetic or aesthetic skin treatments have been ineffective. CO2 lasers can reduce or eliminate:

  • Fine lines
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Scars
  • Acne scars
  • Warts
  • Birthmarks
  • Enlarged oil glands
  • Enlarged pores

What Can I Expect From CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing?

First, we will conduct a thorough skin consultation to evaluate the condition and appearance of your skin and discuss your concerns and goals. If you are a good candidate, we will schedule your procedure. A partial treatment can take 30-45 minutes, and a full treatment can take 1.5-3 hours. We ask that you arrive with a clean face and no skin care products. We will clean and numb your face. You may feel a slight warmth or discomfort during treatment; you will need a dressing. Your dressing should stay on for at least 24 hours, and avoid strenuous physical activity, swimming, hot tubs, and bathing or showering. When the dressing is removed, you will need to clean the treated area two to five times per day and use an intensive moisturizing cream.

About CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Resurfacing

CoolPeel® laser resurfacing is a new way to perform laser resurfacing treatments. CoolPeel® precisely targets the superficial layer of skin tissue to remove damaged skin and reveal healthier, younger-looking skin beneath. CoolPeel® is the only fractional ablative laser treatment that requires little downtime and minimal risk of hyperpigmentation, demarcation, and infection.

Skin Laser Treatment With CoolPeel in Orlando, FL

How Do CoolPeel® CO2 Laser Treatments Work?

CoolPeel® CO2 laser treatments are delivered using the SmartXide Tetra CO2 laser. This is the most advanced CO2 laser available, offering superior control and exceptional results. The Tetra uses very short pulses of laser light to reveal healthy skin without damaging surrounding tissues and structures.

Benefits of Skin Laser Treatment With CoolPeel®

There is minimal risk associated with CoolPeel® laser resurfacing. This unique, advanced laser resurfacing procedure significantly reduces your risk of scarring, infection, hyperpigmentation, and other complications. The biggest benefits of skin laser treatment with CoolPeel® are:

  • Improved collagen production for more supple, youthful-looking skin
  • Firmer and more supple skin
  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Elimination of minor scarring and birthmarks
  • Smaller pores
  • Improved skin tone and texture
  • Reduced signs of sun damage and photodamage
  • Removal of benign and precancerous lesions
  • Effective on most skin types and skin tones
  • More control over the depth of treatment
  • Fast and virtually painless treatment
  • Results can last for years

CO2 CoolPeel® Laser Resurfacing Before and After

Looking at before and after photos of CO2 laser resurfacing patients can help you decide whether the treatment is right for you. During your initial consultation, we can show you a portfolio of past procedures and give you a realistic idea of what you can expect from your CoolPeel® Laser Resurfacing results.

Schedule a Consultation for Laser Skin Treatment

Are you ready to find out if you’re a good candidate for CoolPeel® CO2 laser skin treatment in Orlando, FL? Reach out to us at 180medspa to schedule a consultation. Our experienced team of beauty and cosmetic experts, nurse practitioners, and skin care specialists can evaluate your skin and determine which skin treatments and cosmetic procedures are right for you. Call us today or contact us online to book a complimentary consultation.

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